Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hobby update

Man. My School Systems spring course has been eating up my time, almost forgot about blogging.

A bit of an update.

I played the last game of this step of our 1000 point escalation league and came out with a win. It looked close for some time, but I managed to come out on top. Terminators are frightening, plasma rifles are terrific.

Construction wise I've managed to finish off building everything that I have left to bump my army up to the 1750/1800 range. I've also painted up another squad of firewarriors and a stealth suit with a fusion blaster. A bit of a wasted excersise when Kroot are my infantry of choice and I'm still on the fence about stealth suits, but my eyes have been bleeding from painting so many battlesuits that I needed a break.

For my 1250 step of the league, I'm looking to drop a devilfish, drop the shield drones on my HQ and take a pair of broadsides, another crisis suit and a stealth suit team. I'll post the list up shortly.

Army sizes:
I've heard lots of talk thrown out about army size. The north american standard is 2000 points, while Europe favours 1500. Still not convinced what I'd like to play. What I do know is that the game is playtested at the 1500 level, which means it's likely most balanced at that level. 2000 points does let you bring more toys - especially for an elite army like space marines, but vehicle spam, or unit spam in general becomes more prevelant at those levels. Honestly I think it's going to come down to some experience playing at both levels before I find a happy medium I suppose.

I've been keen on getting my orcs and goblins put together to try out the 8th edition fantasy that just hit. I think I'll just slap on a basic paint job to make it happen, just one highlight and shade maybe for now. I can't possibly go crazy like I do on some of my 40k models.

My child will be born in the next few weeks. That's exciting :). Wonder how it will affect hobby.


  1. Where did you get the idea the game was balanced at 1500?

  2. A lot of it is based off of the rulebook, and I had read that the game is playtested/balance tested at that level. The other factor is that UK tourneys traditionally are at the 1500 point level.

    That being said, I'm not sure which camp I'm in at this point. It would be fun to do some posts taking a look at the pros and cons of each point level. Perhaps we can have a blogoff?
