Monday, March 29, 2010

Not so Weekly Hobby

So I haven't been updating weekly of late, my apologies. It turns out that working evenings whilst planning lessons for Grade 3's isn't helpful to making hobby happen.

I did get in my Round 2 game as well. I'll give brief synopsis. Do not expect a battle report with pictures this time because, sadly, I forgot my camera. Instead I'll treat you to some short fiction instead, when I get to it.

I played against an Eldar opponent running three transports in an annihilation game. In such a small point game (750 pts), there wasn't much to score me kill points, nor was I equipped to deal with that much armour. That being said, it was a close game. I played hard and aggressive. I infiltrated Kroot, deep striked battlesuits on rear armour, and sucked a wave serpent into being encircled and locked down. I had some poor luck with two of my vehicles both getting blown to pieces the first time they got hit and no matter how many times I hit his vehicles, the best I managed to get on the damage table was 4 or lower, though one of my suits did claim a transport.

Overall, I'm pleased with how the game went. Sometimes it comes down to dice, and usually that happens in a close match.

Best moment: A pair of deepstriked suits backed up by Kroot playing havok in my opponent's deployment zone. I really enjoyed being able to get so much on the other side of the table. I think I'll add some stealth suit squads to back up my infiltrated Kroot for my 1000 point list.

Worst (and best) moment: A grounded wave-serpent shrugging off everything thrown at it, despite the sheer volume of shots breaching its armour.

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