Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weekly games roundup.

Hello there, I've played a few games of late and I figured I'd give a brief update.
My group had our regular monthly meet, and it was a blast!
I had my first match of our 1000 pt level of our escalation tourney against a pretty tough nut to crack in the form of Orion's scout marine army. It was an annihilation mission and he had all of 4 kill points to give up compared to my 15, so I had to basically wipe out his army. He had 2 10 man scout squads and a 10 man terminator squad! That's right, 10 terminators! My army proved up to the task though and was able to clear the table. It was very near to a draw though by the last turn. My new list is running like a well oiled machine and the extra mobility and killing power of the Crisis suits is really working out. We'll see how I do against the guard in my next matchup. Battle report with pictures soon.

Played another game with my Chaos today, this time at the 1250 point level. I basically took the list from my last matchup and tweaked it. Here's how it looked.

Chaos Lord, Wings, Mark of Slaneesh, Daemon Weapon


10x Chaos Marines, 2x melta gun, Icon of Chaos ...whatever, the cheap one
- Rhino, Twin Linked Bolter

8x Khorne Beserkers /w skull champ and power fist
- Rhino, Extra Armour, twin linked bolter

6x Lesser Demons
6x Lesser Demons

Fast attack
5x Raptors /w champion and power sword. Icon of Slaneesh

Heavy Support
Pred /w lascannon sponsons
1x Obliterator
1x Obliterator

The lord rolled with the raptors.

We played the suprise attack scenario out of space marines section of the battle missions book.

It went well for me. I was the defender and deployed, well, defensively. My raptors and oblits took cover in the middle of the board, while my rhino mounted squads covered each side of the board. The predator deployed in a position with good fire lanes and cover for its rear armour.

Everything went according to my plan, I left the Khorne Rhino in a position to be hit by my opponent's assault marines, it was cracked open leaving the 'zerkers in a position to counter-assault the next turn. The raptors preyed on small combat squads and chopped them up, the Lord's daemon weapon rebelled once, but for the rest of the game it was dealing deadly bliss. I put the squad in there to be some fast moving anti-tank, and to deal with straggler depleted squads and it did just that, it handled small squads handily. Other than that, not much to report. Everything unfolded as I wanted and I manage to wipe out the other army. Though the army has worked well so far, I'm not sure it would fare well against a shooty army or lots of bodies. Hard to say, I think I'd need some flamers or a battle cannon in there to be a bit more threatening in that regard.

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