Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dice lore

Lately I've been reading a lot of strategies that I can use to improve my playing in 40k. I'm of the opinion that the more I know, the more I can bring to the table. Generally this sort of research involves spending time at Advanced Tau Tactica, which any Tau player worth his salt knows about, but I stumbled across a darker realm of 40k theory. Essentially, there are people out there that have developed strategies for fixing their dice rolls for 40k. If you're a fan of any popular 40k podcast, or read forums rabidly, you already know what I'm talking about. Proponents of this train of thought argue that the dice we typically use are not 100% random and the game was in fact designed around people who use dice rolling techniques. I think this is hogwash. 40k isn't a sport in which you develop some physical aptitude for fixing your dice, it's meant to be a fun game and more importantly, build community in this niche hobby. Sure it can get competitive in the realm of tourney's, but ultimately, good tactics will win out over dice every time. I've personally had dice crap out on me in games and still won due to good strategy.

However, if you are really worried about someone loading their rolls, or see them using casino dice (which although random, can be easily manipulated) I suggest you both use the same dice, or use dice shakers.

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